Origami Girl

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

In which I list the weirdest villains I have faced.

It’s Wednesday again!
I promised lists didn’t I?
Well lists I shall give you.

By the way, I will do more than lists from now on. This was just an especially busy time but things should chill out soon and I will do some more outfit posts and stories of adventures and pictures of Playmobil at the weekend.

Today I am going to do ‘the 5 weirdest villains I have fought.’

1. The Whittler. I mentioned him in a previous post. A man who had a power like mine, anything he carved could come to life. The problem was he had a real OCD problem about detail and so it would take him an hour to carve anything. In the meantime I could kick him in the head.

2. A Team of Mad Pyromaniacs. They really liked fire. But it didn’t get much more aggressive than that. Once they had started a small fire they just stood around and admired it. I took them down with an origami duck, but firemen could have too.

3. Count Olaf. You may have heard of some of his misdemeanours in The Series of Unfortunate Events series. He not only has a ridiculous nose and a viscous manner but he believes he is a great actor. I took him down by inviting him to a play put on my zombies. It’s a long story.

4. The Operatic. A terrifying woman with a beautiful but incomprehensible voice. Like most opera you could only get the gist of what she was singing about because it was all in an unknown language. Once she started singing you felt uncontrollable confusion and a crippling fear that you are underdressed. It is 100% distraction and as someone whose powers come from concentration and the mind it was a fearsome combination. I defeated her by eating sweets and rustling all my washi papers. Once she was irritated by my rudeness her voice wavered and I was able to face her as myself.

5. Sheep-Man. He had the power to turn himself into a sheep. He could then persuade other sheep to do his will. He tried to turn a terrifying hoard of rams against me. I made a sheep-dog out of origami.The above is me and John training hand-to-hand combat on a secluded beach.
Bye for now.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

In which I begin to list

I have decided (as part of Being a Better Blogger) that I am going to attempt to do a regular feature on my blog. I am going to do Wednesday Lists.

I organise myself through making lists and I really enjoy doing them. I love To Do lists. I love the satisfaction of ticking things off. I think it relates to my interest in graphs which I mentioned a while ago. I love to see progress and list achievements. I like to self-evaluate. Perhaps I'm just a little mad. I actually have a book of lists. Sometimes To Do lists, but actually it has all sorts of other ones in it that I slowly update. Like one embarrassing thing is I keep a list of the presents I have got my boyfriend. It's not to show off, or even feel smug to myself about awesome presents -its so I can keep it varied. He may love boardgames but getting them every time wouldn't be exciting.
I also keep lists of places I have been, aspirations, places to go, funny quotations and new types of kisses. Types of kisses (as it may need a note) include machine gun (rapid kissing), suprise kisses (self-explantory), high five kisses (you kiss each other moving sideways very fast). Wow. This sounds lame so we'll move on.

To prove my love of lists, having decided to do this I made a List of Lists. A list of possible lists I could blog about! Oh yeah.

So today's list? "My all-time favourite Etsy shops." Here we go:
1. BonjourPoupette. Weird and beautiful polymer clay animal scultpures that are occassionally also creepy. 2. Patrick Irla Jewellery. Makes amazing delicate pieces of jewellery that relate to nature and yet are still unlike anything I've ever seen before.

3. Prunella Soaps. Obviously makes soap. I know a lot of places supply soap so that might not be so unique. However her photographs are. I love the style of her shop. It really has a distinct feel to it. One day I will actually buy some soap from her.

4. Shirae. Artwork that I long to own. I have a set of three paintings that I swear will one day be up in my future house. They have images of girls in forests often, with a sense that trees are comforting rather than scary, something I really identify with.

5. The Pretty Pixie. She makes little dolls of things. Out of wood. Generally she paints wooden dolls with the likeness of a couple on their wedding day as a custom listing. However there are also things full of win, like this:

That will do for now. In choosing these I have realised that a future list needs to be: 'I want to have kids just so I can justify buying this' Like a bookcase shaped like a tree. More of that in the future.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

In which I catch up and have a satchel

I have not blogged in so very long I know. It’s embarrassing but there has been a great deal going on in my life over the last month and I had so many life decisions to make that I decided to wait a little while till I had figured some things out and was feeling like a normal person again. Not that feeling normal is actually normal but that’s a weird problem I shall ignore for now. I shall try not to ignore my precious 20 followers any more.
So anyway… I went on holiday to Texas for a couple of weeks and didn’t take any photos. I’m a bit embarrassed by this, especially as I just found a new blog called Polienne in which the author has so many beautiful photographs of places all over the world that she goes to for her job. It is not especially impressive for a blogger as this internet world revolves around pictures. However I hate to be taking photos of things rather than actually experiencing them. I have no problem with people taking photos but it’s just not something I do on holidays. I wanted to be totally enjoying myself.
I really enjoyed the sun and mostly the food. I ate such amazing incredible food. I tried gumbo and etouffe for the first time; had spicy sushi, Carribbean steak, lots of shrimp and seafood; went to a churrascaria and ate far too much beef and enjoyed tequila salsa.
It was very much the culinary holiday.
I also celebrated 3 years of a beautiful life with my boyfriend. We went to shopping together and ate pear and gorgonzola pizza (again with the amazing food). It was the same day we got some bad news but we tried to just forget it for the evening.
Anyway as a present I got him some malachite cufflinks that look a bit like globes to match his international travelling.
He got me this amazing bag! There is a whole story behind this bag. I had pined for it for weeks and got very upset about having no money. It became a representation of all the things I had failed to achieve in the year because I didn’t have the spare cash to buy myself this one beautiful thing. This was a couple of months ago. Then he gave it to me on our anniversary! I stroke it sometimes. Anyway here it is:
Look at all the pockets! It also has lacy leather, a beautiful clasp and lots of room. It is seriously the perfect bag.
This is the outfit I was wearing with it today. The velvet jacket is also an acquisition via my mother from the 70s. The skirt is charity shop find, top, XXI in America, bag Nico and shoes: Marks and Sparks. The brooch is one that belonged to my grandma and I should have done a close up of.