Origami Girl

Sunday, 17 August 2014

In which life is lately rather chilled

I haven't been blogging in a while. Partly because my Japanese classes and Andy's orchestra practices are over. Instead we have extra long summer evenings and I have been spending that time very productively, by watching Orange is the New Black , catching up on Fairy Tail and finally getting my own Steam account, followed by  the the fabulous Steam Summer Sale. So I apologise for not blogging for a while, but it has been a very chilled time at home reveling in popular culture.

So although I don't have an outfit post (and I got more of my head shaved so I have that to show soon!) there are a few other things happen recently. Several of which happened in the north with my family.
For instance, my Dad retired:

And there were knitted bananas to celebrate - it seemed about several hundred of them.
(there's a long story behind that)but suffice to soy, there was a lot of love and care at my Dad's farewell party.

Our new passports with our married names in arrived, ready for us to actually book and plan our holiday to Japan:

I went to Bowes museum, a pretty impressive place with a collection of all sorts of art and sculpture and which had a Hockney prints exhibition on too.
 And Unikitty and Snail joined me there:

I read up on speech writing and gave a talk at a tech conference for work. It was my first time ever doing a long slot talk, having a 30 minute slot and taking questions as well, so I am well proud of myself for taking it on. I even rocked the difficult questions part at the end.

I also got a couple of new board games - Arabian Nights and Citadels, for our board game collection. Which on counting adds up to 47 games. Just this morning Andy and I re-arranged them and I sorted out my comic collection which is always a blissful thing to do.

So that's what I've been at for the last 2 weeks. How have you been?


  1. Good job at the conference. I presented at my first one last year and it's wasn't too bad. Only a 10mins presentation and a few Q's after. I think my next one will be a big international one with a long talk... Here's hoping I have something to talk about.

  2. Nothing wrong with enjoying life. Plus I personally enjoy getting to catch up on your life!

  3. Haha, you're such a nerdy nerd, I love you! OMG knitted bananas, omg, this is so awesome!!! :D

  4. Yay for new passports! I just got mine renewed recently and now I think I need to plan a trip :) Reveling in pop culture and just enjoying life is a good way to spend time!

  5. Knitted bananas... oh my gosh, how fun!! :D It's okay to go kaploot every now and then with blogging. We can't all be perfect, every three days kinda posters. You take all the time you need!! But I'm glad you've been keeping yourself busy. I haven't stopped by in a while due to similar busy-ness reasons,s so I feel your feels on that.
