Origami Girl

Saturday, 16 February 2013

In which my skirt is like a cape

 I have been wearing the asymmetrical skirt in these photos to death over the last few weeks. I have become very vain with it because I utterly adore the way it swooooshes out behind me like a cape. I feel like a superhero. It has completely reimagined my style. Well not exactly re-imagined, more brought me back to my roots. I used to be very 'grunge-y' as a kid. I was all about the baggy trousers, the barbed wire bracelets and the hoodys. About as unfeminine as it gets in some ways. However this last week I have been wearing lots of black again (where usually I am very colourful) and mixing black with dark colours, like dark red or dark green and then wearing my black felt hat or my pink bowler. It's like my teenage self, but with nicer clothes. Heh.

I wanted to blog more this week but my computer is having problems with Blogger. The image upload function not only fails to work but crashes and freezes everything. It has been driving me mad. I am having to use the boy's laptop which is unfamiliar and it's just plain irritating.

Anyhow it has been a pretty good week other than the computer issues. In the UK we eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday so Andy and I did the works. Bananas, chocolate sauce, blueberries, lemon and sugar, everything you should have on stacks of pancakes. I also got to see a friend I haven't seen properly in years. We are renewing our friendship after a chance meeting and I am so glad we are. It's weird when you haven't spoken to someone for ages and then it feels like nothing has changed once you get back together. Then today we (that's the boy and I not the friend and I) did some big grown-up things like opening a joint bank account and buying some new Magic the Gathering cards and Lego figures. I think the guy at the toy stall in the market is starting to know who we are!

I have also been living in this headband since I bought it. I couldn't believe it wasn't on the blog yet. I got this from the toddler section at John Lewis. Genuinely marked for 3 year olds. But it has buttons, spots and pictures on pencils! And it goes with my new red hair! Everything I love!
My antique pocket watch necklace. One of my favourite items of jewellery, more on it later.
Outfit details
Velvet top: charity shop
Skirt: New Look
Shoes: Local shop
Bangles: Mixture
Headband: John Lewis
Pocket watch Necklace: Family heirloom


  1. Truly lovely from head to toe. I had to laugh about the super hero thing...I had the same feeling with my asymmetrical skirt :-) Those pancakes sounds like the best thing ever just about now!

    xo Marisa

  2. The entire outfit is amazing but your bag is the cutest I,ve ever seen :)
