Origami Girl

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

In which I love Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts might not have the best plot of any game ever. It may not have the best graphics and it may be aimed at 12 year olds - but I love it with every bit of me. I have a deep sentimental attachment for Kingdom Hearts - and part of that is the memories. I have actually got three set of memories that go with KH. Once, when I watched my high school best friend play through it. Then when the deep love began, love for Andy and love for Kingdom Hearts. We each played a game of it when we were at uni, taking it in turns and watching each other's games. We used to go clubbing and then leave to play Kingdom Hearts at 3 in the morning. That's the kind of cool we are... And then recently we started all over again as the wedding planning happens. In fact we considered having a Kingdom Hearts themed wedding but then decided that was too narrow - there will be references though.

So what is Kingdom Hearts? 
 It's Final Fantasy style RPG set in the Disney Universe. It features some familiar faces from both brands, plus some new ones just for the world. I get so excited when we get to meet guys from Final Fantasy games I have actually played! You are Sora (usually) travelling alongside Donald and Goofy. You are usually looking for your friends and Mickey. That's Mickey Mouse, the King. Along the way you are saving the world, killing some 'heartless' and then later 'nobodies' with the infamous keyblade. That's exactly what it sounds like. Plus in KH2 you get to go to the Lion King world and be a little lion running round with a giant key between your teeth. I don't think you can want anything more from a computer game.

In honour of all this love for the game I have made a KH themed outfit. Obviously wearing a branded t-shirt - I love Mickey's Organisation XIII outfit! Wearing a pink skirt in the shade of Kairi's outfit. And then space printed tights again - for all the travelling on the gummi ship they do. I am even wearing a keyblade necklace, featuring the first ones you ever see duel wielded. 

Kairi. It's not actually a female empowerment game but I would still like to do a Kairi cosplay some day. Plus now I have the right colour hair!

My dual wielding keyblades.

Roxas duel wielding Oathkeeper and Oblivion. The ones featured in my necklace above.

 So we recently ordered this beautiful box of keyblades. It is even nicer than it looked on the internet, especially nicer than my photographs. They are all featured in the game and are highly detailed. It came with a chain and each one can be added to a necklace. They will in fact be part of the wedding centrepieces but more on that another time!

I'm currently using this one in the game of KH2 I am playing at the moment.

Presentation box.
 Outfit details
Tshirt: Hot Topic
Skirt: Mango
Tights: Camden market
Shoes: Blowfish
Hat: Hand crafted by Gypsy in Jasper for Craft it Forward (more to come on that soon)

Sunday, 24 February 2013

In which deer and galaxies collide

Yesterday I had a lovely day out with a friend, trampsing through Richmond Park and then eating ridiculous amounts of cake, the two things providing perfect counters for each other. We got to see the deer and also a fox and a woodpecker. Not a bad bit of countryside for London. I do get such cravings for a rural location after having living by the sea and near the Yorkshire moors. It is so refreshing to be somewhere without tower blocks and housing estates in sight.

The photo may look excessively bright and I won't deny that they were taken with a filter applied, but in truth this was because the normal camera settings wouldn't capture the colours properly. It was as though my regular camera was applying a 'dull' filter to my outfit because it couldn't accept how excessively bright it all was. My jacket really is that yellow!

After my last post on my love of pocket watch necklaces, this is the second one I was referring to. I have one gold and one silver to co-ordinate either way. :)

We saw lots of deer, both fallow and red dear we believe. There was a group of does and a group of stags. Sadly the stags with the impressive antlers were too far away to get a good photograph but I was content to see them purely with my eyes. What was fascinating was the way the deer blend into the bracken like ghostly waifs.
This is what I look like on the 'dull' photo. I swear it was much brighter in the air and on me than this appears but the weird twisted trees were impressive anyway.

Little mugs of hot chocolate at the tea house we went to!
We went to this beautiful tea-rooms/cafe type place. We are inside a greenhouse with fairy lights and flowers everywhere. There were several other greenhouses around with different types of tables and chairs laid out inside.
Outfit details
Jacket: H&M
Skirt: Dorothy Perkins
Shirt: Matalan
Galaxy Print Tights: Camden Market
Pocket watch: Present from my dad
Shoes: Docs I have had forever
Pink gloves: Charity shop

Thursday, 21 February 2013

In which time is beautiful

 In my last post I was wearing a pocket watch necklace, and this is the pair-post to share a little bit of the story behind it. I didn't draw too much attention to it last week, but it is in fact one of my most worn and beloved of pieces. I even took it to the Antiques Roadshow! This is because it is a genuine Victorian pocket watch transformed into a necklace for every day wear.
I want to say something like 'my parents are really into antiques' but that makes them sound all official and posh. It's more a love of not getting rid of things has passed on in my family. Meaning that no one thought to remove a collection of slide rules, copies of the Odyssey or pocket watches. So we have a lot of family heirlooms. One of which is this ladies pocket watch.
I can't even say that it was ceremoniously passed on to me. The manner in which it came to my possession was typical of my family. I was building up a steam punk femme-Indiana Jones outfit for a party. It needed a pocket watch and Dad produced this one. Not a modern one or the least loved of the collection, he just chose that moment to say 'have this'.

It is from the 1890s, a ladies watch, still working, still has it's original box and original key. Both the back and the front clock face open up and it has such beautiful patterns on the back and inside. Sadly Dad doesn't know who it belonged to. He just knows that his father collected pocket watches so we are not sure if it originally came from the family or not, but I hope so. I absolutely love it to bits. And then just at Christmas Dad gave me another one! So now maybe I am developing my own version of my grandfather's collection after all.

 The guy from the Antiques Roadshow liked both the pieces we showed him and most of all loved that they were used all the time rather than just kept away like so many other antiques he must see.

I really enjoyed photographing and sharing my pocket watch. If this was interesting to you I have a bunch of other family antiques that I could share with you? I hinted at least one other from my trip to the tv set.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

In which my skirt is like a cape

 I have been wearing the asymmetrical skirt in these photos to death over the last few weeks. I have become very vain with it because I utterly adore the way it swooooshes out behind me like a cape. I feel like a superhero. It has completely reimagined my style. Well not exactly re-imagined, more brought me back to my roots. I used to be very 'grunge-y' as a kid. I was all about the baggy trousers, the barbed wire bracelets and the hoodys. About as unfeminine as it gets in some ways. However this last week I have been wearing lots of black again (where usually I am very colourful) and mixing black with dark colours, like dark red or dark green and then wearing my black felt hat or my pink bowler. It's like my teenage self, but with nicer clothes. Heh.

I wanted to blog more this week but my computer is having problems with Blogger. The image upload function not only fails to work but crashes and freezes everything. It has been driving me mad. I am having to use the boy's laptop which is unfamiliar and it's just plain irritating.

Anyhow it has been a pretty good week other than the computer issues. In the UK we eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday so Andy and I did the works. Bananas, chocolate sauce, blueberries, lemon and sugar, everything you should have on stacks of pancakes. I also got to see a friend I haven't seen properly in years. We are renewing our friendship after a chance meeting and I am so glad we are. It's weird when you haven't spoken to someone for ages and then it feels like nothing has changed once you get back together. Then today we (that's the boy and I not the friend and I) did some big grown-up things like opening a joint bank account and buying some new Magic the Gathering cards and Lego figures. I think the guy at the toy stall in the market is starting to know who we are!

I have also been living in this headband since I bought it. I couldn't believe it wasn't on the blog yet. I got this from the toddler section at John Lewis. Genuinely marked for 3 year olds. But it has buttons, spots and pictures on pencils! And it goes with my new red hair! Everything I love!
My antique pocket watch necklace. One of my favourite items of jewellery, more on it later.
Outfit details
Velvet top: charity shop
Skirt: New Look
Shoes: Local shop
Bangles: Mixture
Headband: John Lewis
Pocket watch Necklace: Family heirloom

Sunday, 10 February 2013

In which I have a new-but-not hat and an award

I apologise for the graininess of these photographs. I am not really sure what happened, but I didn't want to waste them. It seems like we got the focus all wrong. But hopefully the hat is alright. I have had this hat for years but I used to think it made me look like was going to a funeral in it and so only ever wore it to a costume party. However the hat is another part of my new year's resolution to use more of my wardrobe. It also looks quite good with a grungy look, smartening up torn band t-shirts with a nice hat. I hope to be wearing it a lot more from now on. I am really enjoying finding ways to wear clothes I had pushed aside.

So I got a blogger award. And it's the first time I've had one so I'm happy and want to do all of the things!

Instructions are to
  • Nominate some other new bloggers
  • Let them know you have nominated them
  • Share 7 random facts about yourself
  • Thank the blogger who has nominated you
  • Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post
Other bloggers that I'm nominating:
These are all great blogs that deserve some love. Please go check them out!

7 Random Facts About Me:

1. I believe in honour. I get a lot of this from ji'toh which is the code of honour followed by the Aiel people in the Wheel of Time books. I read them at a formative time in my life and the code of those people is stuck. There is a focus on shame and honour there and somehow this has absorbed into my brain and people actually hear me say 'It wouldn't be honourable.' I hate shame above most things. And my stubborn pride gets me into trouble. However, I am not like the Aiel people in having the ability to run through deserts or fight with a spear.

2. On my first date with my fiance we did the mentos and coke thing.
3. I collect comics. I am currently really into Fables, Saga and Fairest.

4. I  have synesthesia with words and colours

5. I am ambidextrous. I do things with whichever hand I decide first. New things, like tennis or ironing come along I have to try it with both hands for ages. It makes using the Wii really difficult cause in new games I suck until I have figured out which way I do it. I write with my left hand though. 

6. I am really good at Tetris

7. I really love to cook. Love experimenting and making delicious recipes and the satisfaction of feeding people and seeing them love it. Though sometimes I hate how stereotypically feminine that enjoyment is. Not like loving clothes or anything... uh. 

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

In which I give updates on politics and fighting small monsters

Edited to add some clarification after some over-enthusiasm.
I am going to do a blog post about Lego today. However I want to share some really good news first. British parliament just voted to pass the Marriage Bill! Gay marriage is now allowed in the UK, both for religious and civil ceremonies - well it is if the Lords vote to agree as well. There are some other steps involved but I am really proud of Parliament right now. Oh there is a lot of bigotry and there were speeches out of the 1700s in the debate but -they passed it 400 to 175.

I wrote to my MP about this issue and sadly she voted against it. She responded to my letter, but not to my call to be part of history, to do something greater than tackle the recession. To be honest, she ignored most of what I said, but that's the sadness of living in a Conservative area. I have been caught up in the debates and discussions for the last week, and the last years. I felt sure it would pass but it is so overwhelmingly relieving that it has.

I think that it is a great step for equal rights in our country and I hope will be a step towards a future without homophobic bullying and a belief in love regardless of gender. The BBC article on the story is here if you would like to read more.

I am saying this because it makes me incredibly happy. I am not looking to have a debate about it because if you don't believe gay people can love each other, there's no discussion we can have. I have done that far too many times and I am tired of it. It will only make me upset and I've heard all the counter arguments before. They come from a place of prejudice. I don't believe equal rights is something that should be some kind of 'friendly debate'. It should be a given and I am looking forward to a future in which it is. Enough said.

Not to trivialise the moment I would like this blog post to have the dual purpose of celebrating a democratic historical moment... and sharing some cool pictures of Lego.

I have bought a lot of Lego in the last month and I have been having so much fun making new people and stories with it. I particularly collect monster sets. Lego have an official Monster Fighters series, but whilst I would utterly love the Scientist and his Monster set (*pines*) I don't have the budget for it. I do have enough figures that I can make my own monster fighters. The Lego series has a steampunk feel where each set comes with a vehicle and a monster. I have tried to recreate their style in my figures. I pre-viewed this a little before but I would love to share some of the characters we have.  Andy and I spent a whole night making these guys and whole character back stories to them as well! I don't actually have good photos of them all I realise so there will inevitably be more Lego shoots!
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is meeting with the Invisible Man. They are up to nefarious plots. But look! Belinda and Esther are driving up behind to capture them! My invisible man head is actually made from a 'lamp'.
My little trio of brain-eaters! I love that I can make the zombie guy hold a head. Heehee.
I got a Christmas set and decided that it would be another one of my Monster Fighter vehicles.

My Monster Fighter crew. Yes, they all have transport. They are all women and they are all awesome! Left to right: Lucy (and nameless driver), Sophita, Tony, Anya, Belinda, Esther, (There is also Sado on the team, but here he didn't have a vehicle).
My most recent addition, Cyclops! He looks in a bit of a huff.
Genius bit of design from Lego. If you take his head off, he has a smiley face underneath. He even has 2 different eyes on different sides!
Then I went to a Lego store at the weekend and they had an option to build your own guys out of mixed parts. These next three are all of my own design.

We are calling this one 'Tarantino Girl'. This should be for obvious reasons.
This guy is a little weird, but I really wanted that jacket and a beard is just useful. He could be my Monster Fighters lookout guy.
This guy is a little bit of a Bond villain, a little bit Clockwork Orange.
Finally, we have Roller Derby Girl. She is not with the others, but how kick-ass is she? I love roller derby. A sport populated by bright hair and tattooed women? My weakness. I have such crushes on roller derby girls.
I do hope you like my pictures of Lego. One day I need to do some shots of how they are set up around the home. They are dotted around bookshelves, windowsills etc. I love it!