Origami Girl

Saturday 29 January 2011

In which I ride horses and eat mussels

Me and John have been working hard at training lately. We had a fairly epic morning. I made us a couple of horses and we were going to go for a ride to keep us fit but being a boy John insisted on some kind of cavalry combat. I pointed out that we never fight people by jousting but even superheroes love action films and he wanted to pretend to be a knight. He made a sw ord and shield out of ice (as below) and I made my usual paper ones solid.

We played around with that a lot and then went swimming and then sailing. I do have issues with the sea. I really love boats and anything to do with them, in fact one of the best days I ever had involved a boat. However I cannot let my paper get wet. It is a good job then that John can turn any bit of water into ice and so as well as also loving the sea he can ensure that my papers are kept safe inside a cocoon of ice whenever we train in water. My boat was a bit like this below attempt. Only mine becomes a real boat.

So that was this morning.

I have gone a little bit stir-crazy* lately with baking. The other day I made a late night cheesecake and then had too much mix left over so me and John sat and ate all the left overs up with a spoon whilst watching Big Bang Theory. Good times.

Tonight though I made a whole new meal that was like a taste explosion in your mouth. I made it up mostly so it doesn't have a name other than 'a chilli, creamy mussels pasta thing.'

It was a beautiful yellow colour and had a slightly spicy but creamy taste. I made a paste of lots of garlic, pepper, mushrooms, chilli powder and paprika and tomatoes. I added a tiny bit of salsa to all that as well and then some turmeric. All of that was fried in some good quality olive oil. Then when it was a reddish orange colour I added a big box of mussels. (I had some twirly pasta cooking with oil and salt in the water whilst all this was happening) I then added a load of cream and some pepper of the grinding kind and when the pasta was ready I threw all that in as well. Then served it with spinach leaves on the side for a crunchiness to balance the softness of the pasta. Oh yes! Win.

I know I said this wasn’t going to be a cooking blog a while back, but hey, I love cooking! Really I do. It's an art form and so much fun. I'm sorry I didn't take photos of the meal. I wanted to eat it far too much!

*That was a pun

Also I am thinking of doing a regular thing every Sunday (yes that's tomorrow) where I make a treasury and then feature some of the best items here. For those that don't know a treasury is a collection of pretty shiny things that you can make out of pretty shiny etsy items. You put them together in matching colours and theme. I love doing them! I think I'm pretty good at them actually even though I know it is rude to boast. But it's the internet! It's full of boasting, so don't judge me. Judge me tomorrow. :)

Thursday 20 January 2011

In which I play with zombies again.

Todays blog is an eclectic mix of delights and some (much improved) photographs of pirates.
I have done all sorts of crafting lately including a necklace from a t shirt into a crazy scarf type thing.
I confess this wasn't my idea. I got from Scientific Culture who got it from another blog, who got it from a video. And then it turns out that there are people making these all over the internet. However I like it enough to share it.
This is how someone does it properly
I also went a little bit playmobil crazy again today.
I made a whole new display, putting away the Christmas adventure and bringout Arabian pirates! Oh yes. My sister got me a lady pirate for Christmas and so me and John played around and built up a scene based around that slight increase in pirate figures.

There is a pirate court on one side of the table and at the other end their treasury is being attacked by zombie pirates. These arn't just any zombie though. They are rather idea-stolen living undying dead pirates as in -they cannot be killed. Dum dum dum! Guarding the secret meeting to discover how to destroy the zombies. Two zombies against the lone man with a crossbow. The captain fends a zombie off whilst her men hold the ladder in place, dragging some treasure to hold it down.
The whole scene in all its glory.
I havent mentioned anything about my superhero activities lately I know. I have been experimenting with my origami powers some more in order to create a new tool for my crime fighting. More on that next time!

Wednesday 12 January 2011

In which I plan the next year

I have been a terrible blogger for the past weeks I know. However there was a genuine real as life excuse. My laptop died. It was soul crushing, like watching a puppy die. My laptop has been there for me through zombie attacks and obsessive youtubing. However there was a plus side! I have a new laptop and the old one got taken to pieces in order to make jewellery. Yeah I am going to make a new load of jewellery from keyboard keys. Once I had the idea my little brother offered me a spare keyboard of his so I could take all the keys off that.

From this: To this:

Christmas was fun although there is always that awkwardness of hoping those in the know don’t let slip you’re a superhero at the dining room conversation. I’m sure everyone has troubles like that.

Oh yeah and it’s the new year isn’t it? So in the blogging world that means I have to either talk about what I achieved in the past year or what I’m going to do this year.

Well, plans for the next year are:

-New products for my business

-Get my jewellery in a shop

-Destroy the world’s evil laboratories

-Improve my origami skills

-Go to Japan

-Learn nun chucks

-Get featured on other blogs

-Find a non-origami formed unicorn

-Be a happy shiny successful bunny of awesomeness

I also have a couple of other new things:

These were actually made by my mum (photographed by me) and have inspired me to play around with my sewing machine a little bit more, maybe make other cute as pie decorations.

So generally feeling all crafty inspired this year!