Origami Girl

Tuesday 24 March 2015

In which I'm all about that sunset

I went to a wedding and took a bajillion pretentious pictures of myself in the sunset. Because I felt awesome, and that's what I do. I had the best time at the weekend. The wedding was beautiful and intimate. The weather was amazing, despite being in Wale,s which is pretty often wet and windy. I stayed in a hotel on the sea front that was cosy and lovely and the light streamed into the room. And I met some wonderful people, and enjoyed a delightful amount of wine looking over my university town. So you know, all the positive adjectives were happening.

Also isn't Buffy dramatic? What's going on with Faith eh?

What's the you say? You know exactly what's going on because you watched all 7 seasons when you were 12 and what on earth I am talking about? 

Well, then. I guess some of us have some catching up to do! Yep. Basically that. For the last month of so I've been watching Buffy having missed it when it was actually 'a thing' and it is now on Netflix. It is such a good show! I get why all the people love it now. But I keep making the mistake of thinking it's a comedy because of all the repartee and humour and such, and then people die and my jaw completely drops. It just keep doing hugely dramatic things and then I'm like 'but but but, this is meant to be funny!' I just don't learn. Also, I love Spike, poor poor unappreciated Spike.

I really like the composition of this photo and the little bit of sun poking through the beams, but my face is just disappointing.

There was sun in my eyes ok? I couldn't actually look forward of I just look like I'm dying.
The wedding took place at the National Library of Wales which is just a fantastic location, And where I wrote my under graduate dissertation.

We went up the hill in the little victorian built vernicular railway, which I actually find kind of terrifying, but I distracted myself with taking pictures of the sunset over the sea.

View from the cart.
Actual shot of the Bride and Groom, the really important people on the day.

P.S. Nope, still not in Japan - that's Thursday! I did manage to fit in another blog post in the end. Now I feel a little bit like that thing when you say goodbye to someone and then you have to walk down the street together, but you've already hugged and then you are like ummm, do I hug again, or did that count? So don't worry guys, no hugging is required.

Friday 20 March 2015

In which I'm off very soon


Once again it has been a little while since I blogged. I've been wanting to so much but I have been feeling so busy, and so stressed as result. I have been having headaches every day for a few weeks which, as I'm sure you can imagine is kind of maddening. And then today that classically awful thing happened where my computer lost something I'd been working on. You know, I've been using computers for a wee while now and yet even with all my knowledge and experience I actually have the classic file disappearance problem. Having searched in every possible place and used all the fixes it seems that the computer decided it didn't matter when it last did updates. But that's enough of that.

I decided to play a little Civilastion to calm my brain, because I do love starting worlds off, explording and conquering. And then Isabella declared war on me and I'm like 'Really? Come now AI, I'm having a bad enough day'. But now I've got their little chariots running away with their tail between their legs I though it was about time I tried to see if blogging would reduce my stress.

I've got a bunch of pictures of a random ruined building I visited with my parents. Although the most interesting part of that visit was the hardest to capture on my camera, and that's the pair of kites flying over the ruin. Although to us they were incredibly low, my lens couldn't capture them. So I have a few ubiquitous, look at this fallen tower in the spring light photos.

I took a few outfit photos recently, but I think we were a little out of practice and none of them came our particularly well. It didn't help that my hair was looking ridiculously long and weirdly lopsided. What I kept though are my new shiny shiny shoes which you can't quite see the full glory of here. But these shoes change from gold, to purple to pink in different light which is frankly amazing. And then this little Wolf & Moon necklace I got in a sale that matches the shoes so well. That designer's work is all lovely, and having found a local shop that sell them I shall be going back for more.

What I've really been wanting to take good photos of is my new haircut! I got it cut a week ago, and I've spent my time since then: fluffing it up, playing with hair clay and pulling faces at myself in the mirrored walls of the elevator at work. It's amazing how happy having short hair again makes me. So I have pretentious selfies and that's it.

I shall trying and get some proper outfit photos taken this weekend as I am going to away to a wedding tomorrow, so I might even wear something pretty. However, I don't know if I'll get the photos up after that in time. In time for what you ask?

Well, Thursday next week or 来週の木曜日I shall be flying out to Japan! That long awaited trip is finally here. I don't intend to take my laptop with me so I doubt I'll be blogging. I will however, be taking many many photos. I bought a new memory card just for the job! And even a book on photography... except I haven't had time to read it.

So in a few weeks you'll have nothing but photos of cherry blossoms and shrines!